
1.01 Does the factory have a designated inspection room/area? 工厂是否有指定的检验室/区?
1.02 Is there enough space for the Functional Area? 工厂厂区是否充足?
1.03 Is the Functional Area clean and organized? 工厂厂区是否清洁有序?
1.04 Does the Functional Area have sufficient lighting? 工厂厂区是否有充足的照明?
1.05 Is the Functional Area well ventilated? (To Include Air Conditioning where identified as requirement) 工厂厂区是否通风良好( 包括按照规定应安装空调)?
1.06 Is In-house Lab conditioned as per AATCC/ASTM standards? 内部实验室的条件符合AATCC/ASTM标准吗?
1.07 Is there an Appearance room/ASTM specs (should include Target primary source UL 3000 as well)? BLACK ROOM 工厂有符合ASTM规格并装有UL3000等设备的暗房吗?
1.08 Does the factory have a sample room? 工厂有打样间吗?
1.09 Does the plant have a "back up" power supply available that will allow production to continue in case of power failure? 停电后,工厂有自备的发电设备吗?
2.01 Are machines, equipment, fixtures and tools suitable to produce clients product? 机器、设备、工具是否适合生产客户的产品?
2.02 Do machines, equipment, fixtures and tools appear to be clean and in good condition? 所有的机器、设备清洁并且运行良好吗?
2.03 Is an organized spare parts inventory kept on hand at the factory? 工厂有备用零件的库存清单吗?
2.04 Are tools, spare parts, fixtures, jigs, molds, etc appropriately stored to avoid rust, damage, and ensure ease of locating? 锤子等工具是否储藏完好并防止生锈、损坏,同时易于查找
2.05 Does the factory employ people dedicated to only maintaining equipment? 工厂有专职机修工吗?
2.06 Does the maintenance team have suitable skill level and equipment to make necessary fixtures and jigs in-house? 修理组有相应的技能和设备制作某些必要的工具吗?
2.07 Is appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) provided to the workers?  工人是否有安全保护装置?
2.08 Is there a formal documented preventive maintenance program in place? 工人是否有记录在案的正式的维修记录?
2.09 With documentation and records maintained for: 有下面记录和文档
2.10 Does the lab have safety testing equipment as appropriate for Children's product? 工厂是否有用于儿童产品有关安全方面的测试设备?
2.11 Sharp Points Tester 锐器测试仪器
2.12 Small Parts Cylinder 小物件测试器
2.13 Flammability Test Equipment 燃烧测试设备
2.14 Push/Pull Test equipment with Proper Clamp 带有适当抓手的拉力测试设备
2.15 Button Impact Tester 钮扣抗冲击力测试器
2.16 Does the factory have Macbeth Spectra Light III or Gretag Judge II or other recognized brand of light box with D65 and UL 3000 light sources? 工厂是否有Macbeth Spectra Light III,Gretag Judge II 或其他品牌的带有D65和UL3000光源的灯箱
2.17 Does the factory have maintenance/replacement log for lamp bulbs used for the lightbox? 工厂有灯箱里灯管的维护/更换记录吗?
2.18 Is there a valid calibration certificate  - for the lightbox? 工厂有灯箱校准证书吗?
2.19 Does the factory have Spectrophotometer to evaluate colors? 工厂有读色仪测试颜色吗?
2.20 Is sample room equipment the same as production equipment? 打样室设备与生产设备一样吗?
2.21 Does the factory have semi-auto or auto spreading equipment? 工厂有半自动或自动拉布机吗?
2.22 Does the spreading equipment have tensionless ability if knits are produced? 如果生产针织类产品,拉布机有无张力功能吗
2.23 Does the factory use die cutting equipment when applicable? 工厂有冲切设备吗?
2.24 Does the factory have band knife equipment available? Do they use the equipment? 工厂有环式带刀设备并使用该设备吗?
2.25 Does the factory use computer cutting equipment on open width fabrics? 工厂使用电脑切割原幅面料设备吗?
2.26 Are templates in good condition not worn out? (If Applicable) 模板运转良好还是报废?
2.27 Are cutting tables of appropriate width and length and of adequate quantity for product being produced? 裁剪台的尺寸(长度及宽度)适合大货料量要求吗
2.28 Is fusing machine maintained per a documented schedule? 贴合机有按文件要求定期保养吗
2.29 Is the screen print process automated? 工厂实行自动的丝网印流程吗?

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